In June 2024, Manawatū District Council will publish its 2024-2034 Long-term Plan. It's an important plan that explains the key projects that we will work on, the services that we will provide and explains how we will pay for them.

Throughout April we asked for your feedback on our plan to know what you think about the plan generally, and on specific questions, issues and projects that we are considering.

Whether you joined us in the chambers, at one of our many community events, or took the time to submit your thoughts in writing, thank you for taking an invested interest in the Long-term Plan for the district.

You can still read our Consultation Document by clicking on the link to the right of this page.

What's next?

Elected members will now consider the feedback and submissions provided before adopting the Long-term Plan in late-June.

All submissions will then receive a written response in July.

Council decisions - options we asked your feedback on

There are four specific issues that we asked your feedback on:

LTP Consultation - a look at the key issues

Our Council is complex and balancing the books is tricky. We need to make lots of decisions such as how we fund things via rates and user fees, how much money to borrow, how to invest prudently and how to allocate rates.

There is a lot more information on how we make financial decisions in our Consultation Document. We recommend you take a look to learn more, and for even more detail, check out our Financial Strategy.

Supporting Documents

Our Draft Long-term Plan is made up of several documents which provide additional information and context.

You can take a look through all the different policies, strategies and plans which make up the draft Long-term Plan 2024-2034 via the link below.

Draft LTP and Supporting Documents

What do you think of our draft plan?

Let us know by completing our submission form