Growing Great Communities

It is predicted that the population will increase on average by 447 people per year! That's a lot of people so it's important that our District is ready to accommodate the growth and demand on our villages, towns and services.

Growing Great Communities is the framework for MDC's Growth Strategy.

It's important that we look at how we can plan for the growth across our District including within Feilding, villages, rural settlements, and the needs of local iwi across our District. Each of these communities has their own distinct characteristics which is why it's important that we hear from you on what is important.

A Draft Growth Strategy

To help guide future growth we are seeking feedback on draft:

  • The Strategic Direction
  • Our Three Priorities
  • Draft Growth Outcomes
  • List of Actions

The strategy is needs to be consistent with government requirements included in the National Policy Statement: Urban Development. That means making sure we have sufficient land is zoned and development ready (has access for water and transport infrastructure) in the

  • Short (0-3 years),
  • Medium (3-10 years) and
  • Longterm (10-30 years).